The media company I work for has recently launched Augmented Reality features with our print products and it has met with great enthusiasm by advertisers and consumers so it is no surprise to me that someone has taken the initiative to launch an Augmented Reality app for the Super Bowl according to MediaPost...
"The Super Bowl seems to invite technology.
In one of the latest tech twists, one company is planning an augmented reality mobile app for the big game on Feb. 4.
The Virtex Arena from Virtex Apps comprises a football kicking and passing game in which fans can compete against each other during breaks in the Super Bowl action.
The games occur on the actual field with the app adjusting according to a person’s spot in the stadium.
“If you’re at the stadium, you hold up your phone and see it from your perspective, stated Virtex CEO Jeff Green. "Your view of the virtual action is different from the end zone, say, versus the 50-yard line perspective."
The games progress as the football game does and keeps track of team scores while engaging fans who compete. Virtex says the AR game is similar to Jumbotron games during sporting events, except the audience can actually participate.
Fans can also use the AR app while watching the game on TV."