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Virtex Arena Launches AR Games For Baseball Fans

Following on from the success Super Bowl version of their AR application Virtex Arena is now releasing a version for Baseball fans. Depending on your spot in the seating of a stadium, the application will adjust the viewpoint to match giving the player an immersive window into the Baseball world.

Players will be able to enjoy one of two mini-games and even put their scores up against other players during a game with the ultimate winner being declared at the end of the game. As Baseball games have moments of downtime it is the ideal time to fire up the Virtex Arena application and enjoy a few rounds of AR Baseball for yourself.

Virtex Arena will be equipped to handle Major League Baseball (MLB) games at stadiums in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston and St. Louis at the start of the season, with updates to include additional stadiums later on. Currently, there are talks with minor league teams that could lead to partnerships but that is still all in the works. An early demo of the application can be viewed below.